Turnbull China Bikeride
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The FreeWare Desktop C library for
RISC OS machines
Release 2.30
02 Sep 1995
If you have used previous version(s) of
DeskLib, please consult 'DeskLib.Docs.Updates'
to see what has changed.
DeskLib is a set of fully sourced C libraries for for writing desktop
applications for Acorn RISC OS. The aim of DeskLib is to collect
together useful little snippets of code to help the desktop programmer.
In this area, DeskLib already provides a full set of WIMP SWI veneers in
assembler, a whole set of useful icon manipulation functions, etc.
Higher-level event managers, etc. are also provided but trade off
efficiency and compactness to provide genericity.
The completely installed DeskLib distribution looks something like:
DeskLib.!Help This file.
DeskLib.!DeskLib... Header files, the main DeskLib library,
DeskLib's StrongHelp file, dynamic-linking
DeskLib.!DLSources... All source code, makefiles, scripts, etc.
DeskLib.!DLUser... Directory for user's extra sub-libraries.
DeskLib.Docs... Documentation files.
DeskLib.Examples... Example applications.
Recompiling DeskLib with different versions of cc and link
This release of DeskLib has been compiled with cc version 4 (as supplied
with Acorn's Desktop C) and objasm 2.00, because later versions of these
tools (eg cc 5 supplied with Acorn's C/C++ system) produce code which
link 4 can't cope with.
If you have Acorn C/C++ and want to re-make DeskLib using the new
compiler (which will probably produce speed/space improvements in the
compiled DeskLib code) then, after '!DeskLib' and '!DLSources' have been
seen by your Filer, simply double-click on the file
This will completely remake the normal static-linking version of DeskLib
in a task window, taking approximately half an hour.
NB You will need to have at least 1.5Mb RAM free to do this.
If you have also down-loaded the dynamic-linking version of DeskLib,
double click on '!DLSources.Scripts.Static+DLL.MakeClean' instead. This
will recompile both the static and dynamic-linking versions of DeskLib.
Dynamic linking note
The dynamic-linking parts of this release of DeskLib need version 1.03
of the Straylight Dynamic Linking System, which is available from the
usual Acorn-related ftp sites.
DeskLib distribution information
DeskLib is now rather large, so it has been split up to allow people to
download just the parts they require.
The separate parts of DeskLib are in zip files in this directory. These
can be extracted using Spark.
Each of the Zip files contains just those parts of the DeskLib directory
structure needed to contain the zip file's particular selection of
DeskLib's files. This allows you to simply extract the zip files into
the same place to get the parts of the DeskLib tree that you require.
Here is which parts of the complete distribution each zip file in this
directory contains:
Zip File What it contains
Core Everything need to compile and link programs which use
DeskLib (ie the header files and library file
!DeskLib.o.DeskLib), plus the documentation files and
release notes.
DeskLib.!DeskLib...* except dynamic linking files.
Sources All the source code for DeskLib, plus makefiles and
scripts needed to make DeskLib. No .o files.
DeskLib.!DLSources...* except *.o.* .
Objects All .o files needed to make the normal version of DeskLib.
DLLObjs All .o files needed to make the dynamic-linking versions
of DeskLib.
Examples A few example programs with source, plus some random
source code.
DeskLib.Examples...* except *.EasyC...* .
EasyCEgs Beebug EasyC-compatible versions of one of the example
DLL All files needed to make applications which use the
dynamically-linkable version of DeskLib.
StrongHelp This is a StrongHelp file which documents every
function, variable, typedef, macro etc in the DeskLib
header files.
Note that this needs version 2 of StrongHelp.
Also note that the extracted StrongHelp file is nearly
Julian Smith
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact me:
Julian Smith Dept of Experimental Psychology
julian.smith@psy.ox.ac.uk South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3UD
http://cogsci1.psych.ox.ac.uk/~julians/ UK